Description of workshops

Participation in the workshops for intercultural education „Mię­dzy Innymi –Amongst Others” is an indescribable learning experience. Instead of sitting at your school bench and listening to the course instructor you will be able to join interactive workshops. They base upon work methods used in non-formal education. This type of learning allows the participants to join the workshops completely and actively. The lesson’s motto is „learning by doing” and you can try the newly acquired and abilities straight away. Throughout the workshops we provide the participants with a precise amount of knowledge, abilities and new competences. This takes place in an active, diversified and innovative atmosphere. Which methods do we use? First of all we count on your previous experiences. Furthermore we propose discussions, participation in simulation games, work in small groups, interactive mini-presentations, role-plays ,  analysis of case studies and short films.

We kindly invite you to join the workshops of „Mię­dzy Innymi” (Amongst Others) !

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