Advantages for students

What can you gain by joining the workshops of „Mię­dzy Innymi” (Amongst Others) ?:

On the level of knowledge:

  • you get to know phenomena at the point of cultural contact, understanding their impact on intercultural cooperation and learning strategies how to cope with them
  • you understand how your own cultural background effects your view on the world and your behaviour
  • you extend your knowledge of possible misunderstandings in intercultural communication and strategies how to cope with them
  • you gain information on programmes helpful for realization of your own intercultural projects
  • you get to know conceptions and methods of non-formal education

On the level of abilities:

  • you develop your abilities to cope with ambiguous situations and adapt your behaviour to a cultural context
  • you understand and extend your abilities to analyze values, norms and schemes of behaviour
  • you extend your abilities to abilities to cope with misunderstandings and difficult situations in various intercultural contexts
  • You extend your capabilities of critical reflection concerning for instance their own personal stereotype construction of reality
  • you achieve basic abilities for work with cross-cultural groups

On the level of attitude:

  • the workshops give you the possibility of developing/changing attitudes basically required for work in intercultural surrounding, like e.g.:
    • awareness of the existence of cultural differences
    • sensitisation for cultural diversity
    • perception of diversity as a potential
    • open attitude towards other cultures
    • acceptance for different points of view


  • you experience workshop methods based on simulation games, interactive exercises, discussions etc., lead by intercultural trainers, coaches and psychologists, The team consists of experienced intercultural trainers, coaches and psychologists, who have worked in this field for many years with youths from Poland and other countries
  • you enrich your pedagogical approach with concepts of non-formal education
  • you get to know how to bring your intercultural competences to perfection
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