Eligibility requirements

Eligibility requirements for higher education institutions:

  • higher education institutions don’t pay for the teaching and the realisation of the workshops – the coordinators of the project (the Foundation for Development of the Educational System and the German-Polish Youth Office) ensure payment of the trainers
  • higher education institutions agree on the appointed days together with the workshop leaders
  • higher education institutions actively promote the project within their surrounding and student body
  • higher education institutions provide class rooms and –after consulting the workshop leaders – technical devices (data projector, flip chart) and required material
  • higher education institutions provide workshop leaders and students from other towns with accommodation (if guest rooms for course instructors are available at the higher education institution)
  • higher education institutions agree together with the workshop leaders when and how students can join the course exam
  • higher education institutions actively join the evaluation of the project and work out suggestions for future improvement
  • details of eligibility requirements are noted in a cooperation contract between the Foundation for Development of the Educational System, the German-Polish Youth Office and the higher education institutions taking part in the project.
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