Conceptual design of the workshops

The conceptual design of the workshops was developed by a team of trainers of the European Youth in Action Program ( and of the German-Polish Youth Office DPJW ( team consists of experienced intercultural trainers, coaches and psychologists, who have worked in this field for many years with youths from Poland and other countries and as well have personal experience in living and working in a different culture. The conceptual design of workshops is the result of long-term experience of our team members in organizing training courses as well as an analysis of the newest trends in formal and non-formal education. Furthermore documents of the European Commission concerning strategies for European development had a strong impact.

„Między Innymi” is at the same time the first innovative project in Poland joining prerequisites, approaches and methodology of non-formal and formal education and at the same time the first joint initiative put into effect by the largest and most experienced institutions in Poland supporting intercultural projects: The Foundation for Development of the Educational System and the German Polish Youth Office.

Basic goals of the workshops:

  • Development of intercultural competences for students, understood as:
    • Knowledge concerning cultural differences and their effect on behaviour
    • Ability of establishing and building positive intercultural contacts
    • Tolerant attitude towards diversity and curiosity for discovering new things.
  • Preparation of students of pedagogy and students of related studies for a role as multiplicators. They should be enabled to hand on knowledge and attitudes in the field of intercultural education to different age groups. Furthermore they should be prepared for a role as leader in international youth exchange.

Pro­file of participants: persons, who in future are going to work with children and youths — students of peda­go­gy and education, future teachers, students of cultural sciences and educational assistance/ resocialization.

The workshop structure consists of modules, which allow composing and adapting the workshop programme to the needs and interests of the students. It consists of a basic module lasting 8 hours and representing the basis for further workshops. Various advanced modules extend and deepen knowledge of aspects and questions connected to intercultural education.


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