Advantages for higher education institutions

Higher education institutions, decided to join the workshops:

  • extend their lead in competition with other higher education institutions as they become pioneers in adapting education to the plans of “Europe 2020. A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth”;
  • contribute to competiveness of their students by developing competences required in the job market. This furthermore has an effect on the higher education institutions’ position in student rankings;
  • raise attractiveness of higher education institutions’ pedagogy with regards to content and methods, introducing methods of non-formal education to their academic programme.
  • create an environment open for intercultural learning and exchange by supporting development of intercultural competences with students. This has an effect on the number of international projects and exchange as well as on the number of exchange students.
  • intensify cooperation with the Foundation for Development of the Educational System and the German-Polish Youth Office. This might offer the possibility of joining further trainings, conferences or work apprentices;
  • establish contact to the German-Polish Youth Office (DPJW), offering the possibility of joining trainings, conferences or teacher audits in future;
  • have the possibility of joining the workshop offer during the pilot phase with no cost.
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